What must be the feeling of young soldier who has been sent on War for the very first time? He has to be there facing the enemy right in front and fulfilling his duty . He does not know he will Win the War or Loose it but he does his duty. We can only imagine how his heart may be feeling at that point of time .After all we all have a Conscious no matter who it is , a Saint or a Murderer , and Conscious never lies. This Soldier may come back with anything or may perish, the End is uncertain but what he did was to fulfil his duty. It was the Will to go on and on till anything could happen. Yes anything ....I find this uncomfortable to say being so secure in my home ...but there they are doing it every single time they have to.
Pain and Laughter are there just with the unknown destination . Today we may feel we have planned our years well and we will be happy but it may not be so. Can we guarantee our future ? I am afraid no one can ever and those who think they have are living in an Artificial World , a Hypothetical World of Bubbles that will never last forever. Sadly the Good times will fly off and they will be left to only say "I WISH I DID THIS...I WISH ...AND I WISH.........There will certainly be endless wishes .
So is the Journey to whatever we are facing the Most Important. Yes it indeed is. Nothing eventually lasts forever. What lasts is the journey that you wish to take in your stride. Imagine if we were lost in a jungle , what would be our action? .
This is exactly what we have to do. "Find Our Way Out"! Whether in Pain or Laughter, keep moving . There will be hurdles everywhere when you may want to give up and this happens in times of pain but once you accept the pain it makes you feel at peace and makes you a stronger person .
We have This Life to Owe Good or Bad. Things may not be as we want, People will hurt us , We may loose materialistic things but We all " Find Our way out" . When there is a Beginning there has to be an end. Is it not good to say - " Ask God not to decrease your pains but to make you a Stronger person to face them".We will be fools asking God to keep us happy forever. Accept Life and only Plan to be Stronger day by day . Enjoy the Journey, Learn your Lessons and I am sure the End will be ALWAYS ALWAYS HAPPIER!
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