Saturday, 9 July 2011

Delhi Belly Syndrome! ROFL!

The Bugle blows "Pa Para Pa Pa"....and we are right here in the midst of this New talked about Delhi Belly Syndrome! I have not been " The privileged one" yet to have seen it but this Syndrome caught on me and I must mention here from a friend not in India at that time (So the Syndrome has spread beyond the Indian Shores too! ) and am sure will drive me to the theater soon without the tyre "Penchure"....

Was watching an interview of Aamir and Imraan and they were being asked why the Movie has abusive language and whether its correct or not and Imraan rightly answered-  We have movies which show Murders so what's this hue and Cry about abusive language?

We all are in Wraps of secrecy in Life! But movies like Delhi Belly get the secrecy out and its actually great to see how openly it is being discussed. The healthy part is that the discussions are happening with all age groups sitting together.

I have a reason to write about this Syndrome and that is - Open Mindedness of Society . We have all heard that Change is Inevitable and thats exactly what is happening now. When the dirty wraps all come out openly then the cleanliness can make home and such Mediums as Movies, Theaters , Songs  etc. all play their major roles to get the Bad side out , let it be discussed and even if they are influencing and Bringing in a good change to a small amount of people ...Its a Success! Delhi Belly is a Success story right from the trailer times!

Last but not the least- Either go and watch it with Openness or keep your eyes closed!And if you are in two minds - You deserve a Laugh and the Movie am sure has ample reasons to give you the Laughter Medicine!

One more Last- the movie beats Amitabh's Buddha hoga on the Box Office.....(Am I like actually having the Syndrome ...ROFL!!!

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